Daily Horoscope

Get your horoscope today, for May 4th, 2024

There's a nostalgic twist to this Jupiter-Moon Sextile which encourages us to get back in touch with old friends and old stamping grounds. There's also a certain charm about it, which works especially well for those in advertising, marketing or PR. The day really belongs to those who can be magnanimous in victory and dignified in defeat. Imaginations are stirred and this energy has all of us reaching to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

aries zodiac sign Aries Horoscope

When someone tries to decide something for you today gather your courage and stand up to them.

→ Continue to the rest of your Aries Horoscope.

taurus zodiac sign Taurus Horoscope

Your career and work life is your focus today and you will be excited by new possibilities and opportunities.

→ Continue to the rest of your Taurus Horoscope.

gemini zodiac sign Gemini Horoscope

If you feel a sense of urgency about big decisions in your life, something may be about to begin.

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cancer zodiac sign Cancer Horoscope

Although you will have dynamic energy and high creativity today, others will be in dark moods and you will need to zone them out.

→ Continue to the rest of your Cancer Horoscope.

leo zodiac sign Leo Horoscope

When someone around you is frustrated today persuade them onto a better path with your strong communication.

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virgo zodiac sign Virgo Horoscope

Your strong communication skills will mean you can get your point across to others easily today.

→ Continue to the rest of your Virgo Horoscope.

libra zodiac sign Libra Horoscope

Start a new activity today and have fun with it, but make sure you understand it first.

→ Continue to the rest of your Libra Horoscope.

scorpio zodiac sign Scorpio Horoscope

Today someone has upset you and you need to tell them how you feel, but do not expect too much.

→ Continue to the rest of your Scorpio Horoscope.

sagittarius zodiac sign Sagittarius Horoscope

Write down your dreams from last night, even the smallest thing, as it holds the key to an issue in your life.

→ Continue to the rest of your Sagittarius Horoscope.

capricorn zodiac sign Capricorn Horoscope

Someone in your life is becoming hard work and you need to be clear with them to avoid further problems.

→ Continue to the rest of your Capricorn Horoscope.

aquarius zodiac sign Aquarius Horoscope

Look under the surface where money matters are concerned when things are confusing.

→ Continue to the rest of your Aquarius Horoscope.

pisces zodiac sign Pisces Horoscope

Think and act outside you comfort zone today, be bold and take some risks, and you will gain rewards.

→ Continue to the rest of your Pisces Horoscope.

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