Horoscope Dates
Trusted Tarot

Aries horoscope for May 4th, 2016

As the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Aries, your challenge is to indulge this exciting, vibrant, anything-goes vibe without managing to do permanent damage to your life through irresponsible and reckless choices!

Click here for today's Aries Horoscope

The Moon conjuncts unpredictable Uranus today, in your own sign. For you, Aries, this can be both a blessing and a curse. This influence encourages you to be spontaneous and impulsive and to take risks, but as ever, you can take this way too far and end up making some dramatic decisions which then backfire. A safe way to handle this influence would be to indulge in some adrenaline sports, or some healthy competition with friends and co-workers. Try to avoid making drastic moves in your love life or in your career, where the consequences would be difficult.