Star Sign Calculator

Find your true Star Sign, based on the day and place you were born!

Star Sign

On 22/11/1993 in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province

Sun Zodiac Signscorpio Zodaic SignSagittarius Zodaic Sign

You are at the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

On your birthday the Sun moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius, which means you have the attributes of two Star Signs! When reading your horoscope, you should read both signs... but start with the sign you are most familiar with.

If you know the exact time you were born, you can look up your Exact Xtar sign with this Ephemeris... but personally, I believe that being at the cusp of two Zodaic Signs is very special. The Sun made a transit on your birthday, and you should embrace it!

Keep reading to discover where the rest of your planets were, or sign up for Free Daily Horoscopes!

Location of the Inner Planets


Mercury in Scorpio


Venus in Scorpio


Moon in Pisces


Mars in Sagittarius

Location of the Outer Planets


Jupiter in Scorpio


Saturn in Aquarius


Uranus in Capricorn


Neptune in Capricorn


Pluto in Scorpio

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